Demi-God: The Complete Series. A 144-page collection of the Demi-God comic book series from Ominous Press.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Demi-God: The Extension!!
almost 5 years ago
– Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 03:04:52 AM
Happy Monday morning, Demi-Squad!
We made some great progress towards our funding goal last week but, in spite of those gains, Demi's future was looking bleak with only a couple of hours left in the campaign last night. The darkness was closing in. The fat lady was about to sing...
And then, the clouds broke. Due to the global pandemic, Kickstarter granted the seven day extension we had applied for earlier. Suddenly, Demi-God has a new lease on life!
We'll be doing the best we can with this extra week to help Demi over the finish line. Stay tuned! In the meantime, our intrepid pal Andy Smith did a fun interview with our friends at this past weekend. The link is below if you want to check it out!
The final countdown
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 10:22:10 AM
Happy Thursday, Demi-Squad!
We are currently t-minus four days and counting until the end of the Demi-God campaign and while I wish I could sugar coat this for you, it's important to always be honest with each other. As you may have noticed, currently things aren't looking great for Demi-God: The Complete Series.
Look, this is Kickstarter. Anything can happen. Often, there's a mad rush over the last few days of a campaign that will propel it past its funding goal so, you know, don't give up hope yet. Behind the curtain, we're still pushing that rock up the hill. There's some last minute media coverage dropping today and we've got a couple of other rabbits left to pull out of our hat.
This is the point in the campaign where you guys can really make a difference as to whether or not this project lives or dies. If you've got a buddy that's into comics with great story and art, let 'em know what we've cooked up here in the Ominous labs. Give the campaign a shout out on your social media if you're so inclined. Take another look at the campaign if it's been a while since you've visited. There's some new stuff over there that just might tickle your fancy.
Most importantly, take care of yourselves out there. We're in the middle of a crazy, uncertain time. It's safe to say that all of us who love and read comic books know that they're a great escape from the problems of the world but none of us have ever been through a situation like this.
Hopefully, we'll be reporting back shortly with some miraculous news about Demi-God. In the meantime, wash your hands, check in with your mom and take care of each other.
Your pals at Ominous.
Demi-God: The Adult Coloring book
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 09:17:42 AM
In yesterday's update, we mentioned a new reward that would be going out to everybody once we hit 125 backers, the Demi-God Adult Coloring Book.
Featuring work by artists such as Rick Leonardi, Jeff Johnson, Bob Layton, Bart Sears, that lovable rapscallion Andy Smith and many more, the Demi-God Adult Coloring Book is the hero we both want and need right now. These are stressful, anxious times and believe it or not, coloring has been clinically proven to be an anxiety-reducing activity.
Plus, it's just fun.
We'll also be holding a coloring contest, judged by the staff at Ominous, with a lot of cool books and swag up for grabs to the winners. But we've got to hit 125 backers first so anything you guys can do to spread the word and help us hit that backer goal would go a long way towards unleashing the Demi-God Adult Coloring book on the world.
We're almost there, God Squad, and with a little more help from all of you, Demi-God will be unleashing his own distinctive brand of mayhem upon the world shortly.
Stay safe and remember, just because Andy Smith refuses to wash his hands doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Your pals at Ominous.
The Demi-God adult coloring book
A little sneak peak
New Original Art rewards plus... what is PANDEMIC PRICING?
almost 5 years ago
– Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 11:37:35 AM
What's up, God Squad? We hope everybody is safe at home with cleanly washed hands and plenty of ramen noodles, comics and Netflix to hold them over.
It's a crazy time out there in the world and we're all feeling a little stressed and uncertain about the way this Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted our daily lives. Health concerns are obviously always the most important thing but many people are also feeling anxious about work and the continued ability to pay their bills as much of the world shuts down around us. So, to try to help in some small way, we've added a new reward tier to the Demi-God campaign called PANDEMIC PRICING, offering the DG graphic novel to everybody at the early bird price. If you've already backed this project at the higher price point, feel free to adjust your pledge accordingly. We're all in this together, as has been often said.
The Demi-God campaign itself has crested over the 50% funding mark with a little under two weeks left. We've added a few pieces of original Demi-God art to the campaign, variant covers by the likes of Bob Layton, Jeff Johnson and Darryl Banks. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words so I'll shut up and just show you!
Darryl Banks variant cover art!
Jeff Johnson bringing his A-game!
There can be only one Bob Layton!
Also, when we hit 125 backers, everyone will receive the brand-new Demi-God: The Adult Coloring book digital download chock full of incredible Demi-God art by the likes of Rick Leonardi, Joe Phillips, Andy Smith, Jeff Johnson, Bart Sears and many, many more. Just print it off, bust out the crayolas and get to work! You don't even need to stay in the lines, we won't tell anyone. The point is: have fun, get a little creative, and by all means spread the word about this project. With your help, we're bringing Demi-God to life, coronavirus be damned!
Turning 50
almost 5 years ago
– Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 07:48:42 AM
Hey gang,
In about 15 minutes, we'll officially hit the one week mark for the campaign of Demi-God: The Complete Series. It's been a great first week, we're fast approaching fifty percent of our initial funding goal and getting close to the hundred backer mark! We're not there yet but as you may have heard, Rome wasn't built in a day.
As a way to say thanks to all of you that have helped us bring this project closer to reality, our pal Andy Smith wanted to share some Demi-God pages with you that he felt were, "cool," (anyone that knows Andy knows that "cool" is pretty much his favorite word. It might even be his middle name). A sneak preview, if you will, of the art at full-size.
Enjoy, compliments of the chef himself with colors by the great Mike Atiyeh.
In our next update, we'll be unveiling some new Demi-God original art rewards. In the meantime, we'll be hard at work getting this project out into the world. If you're inclined to spread the word about what we feel is a pretty special project, we really appreciate your help and support. Because not only was Rome not built in a day, it also wasn't built alone.